Ho Ntlafatsa Tsebo ea Setsebi sa Motlakase: Semina ea Koetliso ea One Two Three Electric Co., Ltd.

Fana ka litharollo tse felletseng bakeng sa letoto lohle la matla a mabeli a Automatic Transfer Switch, Setsebi sa moetsi oa Automatic Transfer Switch


Ho Ntlafatsa Tsebo ea Setsebi sa Motlakase: Semina ea Koetliso ea One Two Three Electric Co., Ltd.
La 06 29 , 2023

Ho Ntlafatsa Tsebo ea Motlakase: Semina ea Thupelo ea One Two Three Electric Co., Ltd

Ho One Two Three Electrical Ltd re motlotlo ho fana ka lithupelo tse felletseng tse etselitsoeng ho ntlafatsa kutloisiso ea hau ea litsamaiso tsa motlakase.Bakoetlisi ba rona ba litsebi ba tla u tataisa mabapi le lintlha tse rarahaneng tsa li-circuit breaker le li-switches tsa phetisetso ea othomathiki, ho u etsa setsebi se hloahloa tšimong.Ebang u moithuti ea qalang ho batla ho atolosa tsebo ea hau, kapa setsebi sa motlakase se nang le phihlelo se batlang ho ntlafatsa tsebo ea hau, lithupelo tsa rona li ka fana ka temohisiso ea bohlokoa lefats'eng la lisebelisoa tsa motlakase.

Ho Shebella Haufinyane Li-Circuit Breakers: Hlahloba Mefuta ea Meetso ea Foreme le E bōpiloeng

Liseminara tsa rona tsa koetliso li u fa pono e tebileng ea mefuta e fapaneng ea li-circuit breakers.Fumana kakaretso ea li-frame circuit breakers, tse sebelisoang hangata lits'ebetsong tse phahameng tsa motlakase le tse kholoanyane hobane li fana ka tšireletso e sebetsang ea potoloho e khuts'oane le ts'ireletso e ngata.Fumana boiphihlelo ba ho sebetsa ka li-circuit breakers tse bōpiloeng, tse tsejoang ka ho feto-fetoha ha tsona le bokhoni ba ho sebetsana le maqhubu a tlase.Ithute ho khetha sekhechana sa potoloho se nepahetseng bakeng sa sesebelisoa sa hau se ikhethileng, ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e nepahetseng le polokeho.Bakoetlisi ba rona ba nang le litsebo ba tla u tataisa likarolong tsa bohlokoa tsa ho kenya mochine oa potoloho, tlhokomelo le ho rarolla mathata, ho u fa tsebo ea ho rarolla mathata a sa tšoaneng a motlakase.

Master Control Dual Power Automatic Transfer switch for Seamless Power Transfer

Ha ho tluoa tabeng ea phepelo ea motlakase e tšepahalang, li-switches tsa phetisetso ea motlakase tse peli li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa.Lithutong tsa rona tsa koetliso, u tla fumana kutloisiso e tebileng ea ho rarahana ha lisebelisoa tsena tsa mantlha.Ithute hore na sesebelisoa sa phetisetso ea matla a mabeli se ka thusa joang phetisetso ea motlakase ntle le mathata maemong a tšohanyetso kapa ha motlakase o sa tsitsa.Fumana tsebo eo u e hlokang ho kenya, ho lokisa le ho boloka li-switches tsena ho netefatsa matla a sa sitisoeng ho lits'ebeletso tsa bohlokoa joalo ka lipetlele, litsi tsa data le lirapeng tsa boikhathollo tsa indasteri.Bakoetlisi ba rona ba tla u ruta bokhoni ba ho etsa liteko, ho rarolla mathata le ho kopanya li-switches tsa phetisetso ea othomathike ea matla a mabeli ho li-setting tse fapaneng tsa motlakase.

Hlalosa bokhoni bo felletseng ba botsebi ba hau ba motlakase ka One Two Three Electric

Khetha One Two Three Electrical Co., Ltd. bakeng sa boiphihlelo bo matla ba koetliso bo tla ntlafatsa tsebo ea hau ea motlakase.Lithuto tsa rona tsa koetliso ha li fane feela ka tsebo ea khopolo-taba, empa hape li hatisa ts'ebeliso e sebetsang, e u nolofalletsang ho sebetsana le mathata a sebele a lefats'e ka kholiseho.Qetellong ea thupelo ea rona, u tla be u e-na le motheo o tiileng oa li-circuit breakers, li-circuit circuit breakers le li-switches tse peli tsa mohloli o ikemetseng, e leng se etsang hore u be setsebi se nang le tsebo e phahameng indastering ea motlakase.Lula pele 'me u ntlafatse menyetla ea hau ea mosebetsi ka ho nka e' ngoe ea lithupelo tsa rona kajeno.

Tlhokomeliso: Litaba tse hlahisoang ke mofuta oa AI lia etsisoa 'me li kanna tsa se bontše lihlahisoa tsa 'nete, lik'hamphani kapa mananeo a koetliso.

Khutlela Lethathamong
E fetileng

YGL-100 phalliso ea ho itšehla thajana

E 'ngoe

Ho netefatsa Khotsofalo ea Bareki ka Li-di-connectors tsa rona tsa Manual Transfer tsa DC

Khothalletsa Tšebeliso

Rea u amohela ho re bolella litlhoko tsa hau
Amohela metsoalle le bareki lapeng le kantle ho naha ho sebelisana 'moho ka tieo le ho theha bohlale hammoho!